Usage Guidelines – Debian 10 with Navidrome – Media Streaming Server


Debian 10

Configuration and Connection Debian 10 with Navidrome – Media Streaming Server

  1. To start the server, run the VM through Azure Portal
  2. To work, you should open 4533 (TCP) ports in the network properties in the azure firewall.
  3. After starting the VM, you can go to the main page. To do this, go to the following address http://*vm_ip*:4533
  4. A page with creating a user with administrator rights will open. Fill out the form and click <Create admin> to complete.
  1. To add audio to the library, you need to upload music to the server. For example, you can connect to a VM via PuTTY –  Download
  2. Run Putty, enter the VM address in the “Host” field, and click “Open” to connect.
  1. In the opened console you will need to enter the username and password that were specified  during the creation of the VM.
  2. The configuration file in the path /var/lib/navidrome/navidrome.tom indicates the directory from which audio will be uploaded
  3. To add audio, go to /home/navidrome/music directory and upload audio into it; it will automatically be uploaded to the server (Going to the directory may require elevated rights, in that case enter the sudo su command  before the directory path)
  4. Being in /home/navidrome/music  directory, type the following command for downloading audio:

        > sudo wget -O %file_name% %link_to music%

For instance:
> sudo wget -O Omen.mp3 ‘

  1. Now return to the site and update the list of songs (it may take some time before audio appears on the server)

12. If you did everything right, then on the main page should appear your tracks that you can play directly from the browser.

13. More information on setting up and working with Navidrome can be found here.
Getting Started