Usage Guidelines – Linux CentOS 8.3 with Pure-FTPd Server


Linux Centos 8.3

Linux CentOS 8.3 with Pure-FTPd Server


  1. How to connect
  2. Client FTP Software

The guide how to connect to Linux CentOS 8.3 with Pure-FTPd Server

  1. After purchasing and starting the VM, you should know its IP address. You can find it in the personal account of Azure. (You need to select the virtual machine from the list. By clicking the item “Overview”, your IP is displayed in the line of “Public IP Address”).
Pure-FTPd on azure
  1. To work, you must open the following ports:
  2. To connect to a VM, you need the PuTTy application to connect via ssh. You can download it at the following link – Download
  3. Run Putty, enter the VM address in the “Host” field, and click “Open” to connect.
Pure-FTPd on cloud deploy
  1. In the opened console you should enter a username and password that were specified when creating the virtual machine.
  2. Use a self-signed certificate along the path:


  1. Create a directory by sudo mkdir /etc/ftproot command
  2. Create a user by sudo pure-pw useradd usertest -u 1500 -g 1500 -d /etc/ftproot/ command where usertest  is the name
  3. Enter a password and confirm it
  4. Apply the changes by sudo pure-pw mkdb command
  5. To view the users list, use sudo pure-pw list command
  6. To delete a user, use sudo pure-pw userdel username command
  7. To create a user with a separate catalogue, you can sequentially  use the following commands:
  1. sudo pure-pw useradd username -u 1500 -g 1500 -d /etc/ftproot/username

2) mkdir /etc/ftproot/username

3) chown 1500:1500 /etc/ftproot/username

4) sudo pure-pw mkdb

Client FTP Software

Users can use any FTP Client to allow clients to connect. One of the best solutions is to choose FileZilla’s FTP Client.

In the host field you should insert ftpes://YourVM’sIP

And your username and password

Pure-FTPd on amazon

After starting the connection, a window with a certificate will appear, there you must check the box <Always trust certificate> and click <OK>.

Pure-FTPd how to connect