Usage Guidelines – Oracle 9 Minimal

Connection to Oracle 9 Minimal

To start the server, run the VM through Azure Portal.

  1. To connect to the server, you should know the IP address of the VM. You can find it in your Azure personal account. Select the virtual machine from the list and click on the “Overview” item to view your IP address under “Public IP Address.”
  1. To manage the server, need to establish a connection to the VM.
  • With OpenSSH

If you are using the Windows 10 operating system (version 1809 or later), you have access to the OpenSSH client, which allows you to connect to Linux servers via SSH. If you meet the requirements and have the OpenSSH client installed, you can initiate an SSH connection. Open a standard Windows command prompt and enter the command “ssh user@*vm_ip*” (1), where “user” is the username specified during virtual machine creation, and “vm_ip” is the VM’s IP address. Next, type “Yes” (2) and enter the password (3) specified during the virtual machine setup.

  • With the PuTTY application 

To use the PuTTY application for SSH connectivity, you must first download it from the following link:  Download

After downloading PuTTY, launch the application. Enter the VM’s IP address in the “Host” field (1) and click “Open(2) to establish a connection.

In the window that appears, click “Accept.”

In the opened console, you will be prompted to enter the username (1) and the password (2) you specified during the VM creation process (please note that the password will not be visible on the console while entering it).

  1. Now you can work with a completely clean Oracle 9 Minimal for Azure