Usage Guidelines – Red Hat 8.6 Minimal with Jitsi

Configuration and connection to Jitsi on Red Hat 8.6 Minimal

Starting the server

To start the server, run the VM through Azure Portal.

  1. For connecting to the server, you’ll need to know the IP address of the VM. You can find it in your Azure personal account. (Select the virtual machine from the list, click on “Overview“, and your IP address will be displayed under “Public IP Address“).
  1. In the Azure Firewall, you need to open the following TCP ports: 22, 80, 443, 4443, 4444, 8443, 10000, and UDP port 10000.
  1. Create a DNS name by navigating to the VM properties in the Azure admin. In the “Overview” section, configure the DNS name on the right. For instance, the name could be“” and click “Save”.

Create a self-signed certificate

  1. To create a self-signed certificate, you should connect to a VM.
    1. With OpenSSH

In the Windows 10 operating system (starting with version 1809), an OpenSSH client is available, with which you can connect to Linux servers via SSH. If Windows 10 is suitable and the OpenSSH client is installed, you can start connecting via SSH. To do this, launch a normal Windows command prompt and enter the command “ssh user@*vm_ip*” (1), where “user” is the username that was specified while creating the virtual machine and “*vm_ip*” is the VM IP address.

Then type “Yes” (2) and enter a password (3) that was specified while creating the virtual machine.

  1. With the PuTTY application 

To do this, you need the PuTTY application to connect via ssh. You can download it at the following link – Download

Run PuTTY, enter the VM address in the “Host” field (1), and click “Open(2) to connect.

In the window that appears, click Accept.

In the opened console, you will need to enter a username (1) and password (2) that were specified while the VM was being created (you’ll not see the password in the console while entering it). 

  1. To create a self-signed certificate enter the command: 

sudo cert_self_sign

  1. Select paragraph 1
  1. Enter “y” (1) and VM’s DNS name (2)
  1. If the certificate was created successfully (1), enter “5” (2). If errors occur, repeat steps 3-4 of this section.

Connection to Jitsi server

  1. Next, you need to go to the address https://DNS_name in the browser (be sure to specify HTTPS).
  1. You may have to click the “Advanced” button to open the Jitsi page and the link at the bottom.
  1. Now you can create and connect to the rooms. To do this, enter a name in the “Start a new meeting” field and press “Start meeting”. The list of available rooms is displayed below, just click LMB on it to connect.

Congratulations, you can have video conferences with your colleagues and friends.