Usage Guidelines – Ubuntu 18.04 Minimal with Jitsi

Configuration and connection to Ubuntu 18.04 Minimal with Jitsi

  1. The first step is to create a DNS name that will be used for further connection.
    Alternatively, if you have already purchased an SSL certificate for your DNS name, you can skip this step. In this case, we recommend that you read the following documentation: jitsi-meet/ at master
  1. To create a DNS name through Azure Portal, go to the VM settings in the “Overview” section.
  1. Go to “DNS name” settings
  1. Fill in the “DNS name label” field and click <Save> at the top.
  1. In the Azure Firewall, you need to open the following TCP ports: 22, 80, 443, 4443, 4444, 8443, 10000, and UDP port 10000.
Connection to Jitsi server
  1. After you finish creating the server, you can go to https://*dns_name* (make sure to specify HTTPS)
  1. You may have to click the “Advanced” button to open the Jitsi page and follow the link at the bottom.
  1. Now you can create and connect to the rooms. To do this, enter a name in the “Start a new meeting” field and press “Start meeting”. The list of available rooms is displayed below, just click LMB on it to connect.

Congratulations, you can make video conferences with your colleagues and friends.